These are the rules for this community

Rule #1 - cheater**

Don't use any types of hacks or cheats. Don't use third-party software to give yourself an competitive advantage over other players.
Permanent Ban

Rule #2 - eac**

No EAC (Rust) bans on other account(s).
Permanent Ban

Rule #3 - alt**

Do not play on an alt account if you have previously been banned in another way.
Permanent Ban

Rule #4 - dox**

No doxxing by looking up other players' social media pages or trying to find their personal information. Do not discuss a person's details in chat or with another player. Never seek out or share a photo of a player.
Ban with Appeal

Rule #5 - association

Do not play with or associate with players violating our rules. Be careful who you choose to play with. Players will be punished as a group.
Temporary Ban

Rule #6 - glitch

Do not abuse glitches or game bugs such as rock bases, disconnecting / reconnecting to give yourself an advantage. If you are not sure, please ask.
Temporary Ban

Rule #7 - toxicity

No toxicity, racism, cyberbullying or encouraging self harm.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #8 - community

Do not communicate in such a way that could cause other players to leave our servers because you are there.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #9 - chat

Do not spam the game chat.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #10 - mic

Do not spam your in game mic.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #11 - misinformation

Do not spread egregious misinformation.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #12 - sign

Do not abuse signs with racist or toxic imagery.
sign painted over and if repeated then temporary ban

Rule #13 - advertising

Do not advertise other servers or websites.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #14 - username

Usernames must adhere to server chat rules.
Voice or Chat Mute

Rule #15 - display

No nude or extremely graphic display pictures.
Server Kick

Rule #16 Rule

Owner Conditions
Raziel, the owner, may issue mutes and bans to any player for any reason where it is necessary to maintain a harmonious server.

Rule #17 - impersonation

Do not impersonate the admins and/or other players (including clan tags).
Server Kick

Rule #18 - VPN

VPN are allowed however if we believe the account is suspect you may be kicked/banned at the admin or owners decision.
Server Kick or Ban.

Rule #19 - Stream Rules

Do not stream snipe
Temporary Ban

Rule #20 - Membership Conditions

Do not purchase membership and request chargeback
Ban with Appeal

Rule #21 - Respect

Do not be disrespectul to the moderators, admins or owner.We provide our services so that you may have a good time on the server with the least amount of cheaters or harassment as possible
Voice or Chat Mute